A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





10256- 10290 of 10428 News Items
MacLoggerDX Version 6.27 released
Dog Park Software is pleased to announce that version 6.27 of MacLoggerDX has been released
Slow Scan TV from ISS January 30-31
Russian cosmonauts are expected to activate Slow Scan Television (SSTV) image transmissions on 145.800 MHz FM from the ISS on Thursday, Jan 30 and Friday, Jan 31 as part of the MAI-75 experiment
Youth Contest Program
IARU Region 1 have announced the opening of applications for their Youth Contest Program 2020
State QSO Party Challenge Announced

The State QSO Party Challenge is a competition comprised of other contests, namely state and provincial QSO parties. As explained on the website, the annual cumulative score program is open to any radio amateur who participates in any approved state QSO parties (SQPs).

Participants just need to submit their QSO party scores to to enter the challenge. Participants’ cumulative score...

Summerside Amateur Radio Club

KD4NFS Michael
General ham web pages with some interesting links
Salem area ham radio training
Our goal is to provide comprehensive, regular training for the ham radio community in and around salem, oregon.
East River Amateur Radio Club
East river amateur radio club - Bluefield, WV
Wythall Radio Club
Wythall Radio Club is one of the most active clubs in the Midlands.
The Considerate Opertators Frequency Guide
An ARRL guide to where on the HF bands various modes and activities are generally found.
Anritsu MS2711A Repair
Technical Reference/Spectrum Analyzers
Repairing an Anritsu MS2711A handheld spectrum analyzer
Results of Belgian special event
On the occasion of Princess Elisabeth's 18th birthday, from 25th October to 25th December 2019, more than 30 UBA radio clubs were able to use the special prefix OR18
Ofcom action against ham radio pirates
In response to a Freedom of Information request Ofcom released information on the number of reports of incorrect use of amateur radio callsigns or pirate callsigns
BBC World Service presenter is a radio amateur
Gareth Mitchell M7GJM is well known as presenter of the BBC World Service show Digital Planet. He got his amateur licence in 2019 thanks to help from members of Essex Ham
Deployment of ham radio HuskySat-1 CubeSat expected soon
NASA report the Cygnus resupply ship currently docked at the International Space Station is expected to leave at 9:35 a.m. EST on Friday, January 31. Cygnus should then raise its orbit to approximately 500 km, where HuskySat-1 and SwampSat will be deployed
Which is best, FT8 or CW?
In the latest of his "Radio Adventures" YouTube series, Richard G3CWI of SOTABEAMS takes a lighthearted look at whether FT8 or CW is better during a portable activation
Swains Island DXpedition Team is Ready to Roll

The W8S DXpedition team heading to Swains Island in the Pacific in March reports, “All lights are green.” Team members will leave from home in early March, and all will convene in Pago Pago, American Samoa, to board the vessel Manu Atele, which will transport everyone to the atoll. The voyage will take 24 hours.

Smaller vessels will ferry the operators and equipment to the island at high tide, w...

YOTA Camp 2020 in the Americas Donations are being Matched

New Amateur Extra Question Pool Released

Winlink Development Team Members Awarded Tennessee Military Department Patriot Medals

In a recent ceremony, two Winlink development team members were awarded the Military Department of Tennessee Adjutant General’s Distinguished Patriot Medal.

Steve Waterman, K4CJX, was awarded “for his distinguished patriotic service as the Winlink Network Administrator,” citing his “vision, hard work, and dedication to emergency communication [that] contributed significantly to the disaster read...

HuskySat-1 with VHF/UHF Linear Transponder Set to Deploy Soon

The University of Washington’s HuskySat-1 3U CubeSat, launched November 2, 2019, is set to deploy on January 31 after the vehicle that carried it to the International Space Station undocks. HuskySat-1 has remained stowed aboard a Northrop Grumman Cygnus supply vehicle. Within 24 hours after Cygnus’ departure from the ISS, HuskySat-1 and SwampSat 2 will be deployed into orbit. After deployment, ...

Past ARRL Southeastern Division Director H. Dale Strieter, W4QM, SK

Past ARRL Southeastern Division Director Harmon "Dale" Strieter, W4QM (ex-W4DQS), of Cocoa Beach, died on January 6. An ARRL Life Member, he was 92 and a founding member of the Maxim Society.

Strieter was ARRL Southeastern Division Director from 1970 until 1973.

During World War II, he served as US Maritime Service radio officer in the Pacific. After the war, he received a bachelor’s degree in el...

The Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club

Tesla Radio Foundation
Tesla Radio Club and Museum Blog und Kleinazeigenmarkt im Bereich Amateurfunk
HB9DNU Karlheinz blog
German only web blog from HB9 with link to personal webcam
W2GSB Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club
Gsbarc is the home of the great south bay amateur radio club,serving the community of babylon township through pubilic service.
Lojade Antenas
Amateur radio antenna maker with online shop based in Brazil
A danish only scale diagrams designer, usefull to draw front panels and dial scale knobs, windows freeware.
Icom IC-R7100 Clicking Noise
Radio Equipment/Receivers/Icom IC-R7100
How to solve the problems with the ICOM IC R7100 receiver that every time the squelch opens or closes, it produces a clicking noise.
FT8 vs CW - an amateur radio shootout
We compare popular ham radio modes FT8 and CW for a Summits on the air (SOTA) QRP activation. Which mode will win?
Zeus ZS-1 HF USB SDR Transceiver
A fully digitised SDR transceiver with general coverage reception
Polish Award
During the month of February, the Polish national amateur radio society PZK will have 14 different special event stations on the air to mark the 90th anniversary of PZK and the 95th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union
Swains Island DXpedition
50 days to go.... The preparations are part of the fun too. An amazing load of work is done by all team members. Antennas, hardware, software, the camp set up, medical well being, transportation, satellite connections, inter camp communication, operating schedules, vaccinations to name just a few..
Former RAC Ontario North Regional Director Doug Leach, VE3XK - SK
Radio Amateurs of Canada has received the sad news that former RAC Ontario North Regional Director Doug Leach, VE3XK, became a Silent Key on January 15, 2020


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