A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





10291- 10325 of 10520 News Items
Past ARRL Southeastern Division Director H. Dale Strieter, W4QM, SK

Past ARRL Southeastern Division Director Harmon "Dale" Strieter, W4QM (ex-W4DQS), of Cocoa Beach, died on January 6. An ARRL Life Member, he was 92 and a founding member of the Maxim Society.

Strieter was ARRL Southeastern Division Director from 1970 until 1973.

During World War II, he served as US Maritime Service radio officer in the Pacific. After the war, he received a bachelor’s degree in el...

The Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club

Tesla Radio Foundation
Tesla Radio Club and Museum Blog und Kleinazeigenmarkt im Bereich Amateurfunk
HB9DNU Karlheinz blog
German only web blog from HB9 with link to personal webcam
W2GSB Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club
Gsbarc is the home of the great south bay amateur radio club,serving the community of babylon township through pubilic service.
Lojade Antenas
Amateur radio antenna maker with online shop based in Brazil
A danish only scale diagrams designer, usefull to draw front panels and dial scale knobs, windows freeware.
Icom IC-R7100 Clicking Noise
Radio Equipment/Receivers/Icom IC-R7100
How to solve the problems with the ICOM IC R7100 receiver that every time the squelch opens or closes, it produces a clicking noise.
FT8 vs CW - an amateur radio shootout
We compare popular ham radio modes FT8 and CW for a Summits on the air (SOTA) QRP activation. Which mode will win?
Zeus ZS-1 HF USB SDR Transceiver
A fully digitised SDR transceiver with general coverage reception
Polish Award
During the month of February, the Polish national amateur radio society PZK will have 14 different special event stations on the air to mark the 90th anniversary of PZK and the 95th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union
Swains Island DXpedition
50 days to go.... The preparations are part of the fun too. An amazing load of work is done by all team members. Antennas, hardware, software, the camp set up, medical well being, transportation, satellite connections, inter camp communication, operating schedules, vaccinations to name just a few..
Former RAC Ontario North Regional Director Doug Leach, VE3XK - SK
Radio Amateurs of Canada has received the sad news that former RAC Ontario North Regional Director Doug Leach, VE3XK, became a Silent Key on January 15, 2020
Dutch Amateur Radio Union - magazine available
The January 2020 issue of the Dutch Amateur Radio Union's magazine is now available for free download
The Pirate Act
On Friday, January 24, 2020, the US President signed into law: H.R. 583, the “Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement Act” or the “PIRATE Act"
New IARU Region 1 record on 134 GHz – 65km
OK2KKW reports Michael Kuhne DB6NT and Roland Becker DK4RC have achieved a new record on 134 MHz
Kentucky radio hams on TV News
Lexington's LEX 18 TV News reports local amateur radio operators are training for the worst-case scenario. The Bluegrass Amateur Radio Society is camping out at the Kentucky Horse Park this weekend to train for any potential natural disaster or emergency
ARISS educational radio contact with school in Serbia
An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Primary School Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj, Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia
CQ CQ Nuevos Radioaficionados
Basic information in spanish hon how to become ham radio operators, or radioaficionados
Emergency service and weather, dedicated to the Community and City of New York
ON5CFT Morse club
Club Francophone Telegraphiste Station Officielle - ON5CFT Belgium
Port Ludlow Amateur Radio Club
A social club consisting of Amateur Radio Operators and interested persons who share interest in radio, pleasure marine and technical activities.
Amateurfunk bei DK8EY, Chris aus Mettmann im Neandertal.
Decoding APRS via WebSDR
How-to decode and Display APRS Packets from WebSDR Audio using linux computer
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2001
LogHX freeware logger software, Baofeng Mic Pin Out and Programming Cable Schematics, OQRS Hints and Tips Explained, BKLog - log book and contest program, AirHamLog - Online Amateur Radio Logbook, Red Pitaya, E44RU Palestine 2020
South Orkney Islands DXpedition VP8PJ
Landing and camping at South Orkney requires permission from several government agencies. This multi step process takes months to complete. We recently received our final approval, the "Antarctic Conservation Act Permit" from the National Science Foundation
In Our Time: Solar Wind
Last Thursday's 'In Our Time' on BBC Radio 4 had a useful discussion on the Solar Wind which radio amateurs might find interesting
WIA looking for new board members
Wireless Institute of Australia News reminds members that nominations for Board are needed and says it would be good to have some female directors
QSO Today Amateur Radio Podcast - Michael Foerster - W0IH
Michael, Mike, Foerster, W0IH, loves to ragchew with his friends on 80 meters in the evening
Amateur Radio Repeater Geezers United Society
Club and Repeater Network in Central Florida
Greater Fairfield Amateur Radio Association Fairfield, Connecticut
The Vancouver Island Trunk System
To provide a network of open Amateur radio repeaters, for general and emergency communications use, throughout Vancouver Island, surrounding waters and parts of the lower mainland on the West Coast of British Columbia Canada.
This Week in Amateur Radio
Amateur Radio News and Information Bulletin Service delivered via satellite on AMC-7, transponder 5, 7.5 MHz wideband audio and over the internet in MP3 and RealAudio format.
VE7NOR North Okanagan Radio Amateur Club


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