A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





10326- 10360 of 10520 News Items
North Carolina ARRL Section
North Carolina ARRL Section Information
A Three-Band One-Tube Novice Transmitter
Technical Reference/Homebrew
A homebrew radio transmitter project, based and inspired by the original 30 Watts input on 80 50 and 15 meters band transmitter by W11CP
British Columbia QSO Party 2020
Presented by the Orca DX and Contest Club - 1600z Feb 1 to 0359z Feb 2 and 1600z to 2359z Feb 2
Ham radio: A hobby still alive and thriving
The Boston University News Service talks to Alan Lewis K1ALL and Jim Wilber about amateur radio
ARRL to argue for continued access to 3-GHz spectrum
ARRL report at its January meeting, the ARRL Board of Directors instructed the League’s FCC counsel to prepare a strong response to protect amateur access to spectrum in the 3 GHz range
ARRL Audio News - January 24, 2020
ARRL Audio News - January 24, 2020
ARRL to Argue for Continued Access to 3-GHz Spectrum as FCC Sets Comment Deadlines

N0AX Wins the January QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the January 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “Untangling the Decibel Dilemma” by H. Ward Silver, NØAX.

The QST Cover Plaque Award -- given to the author or authors of the most popular article in each issue -- is determined by a vote of ARRL members on the QST Cover Plaque Poll web page. Cast a ballot for your favorite article in the February issue today.


OD5SK Samir
Amateur Radio Station OD5SK , Op.Samir Khayat Tripoli Lebanon
Great Yarmouth Radio Club
Promoting Amateur and CB Radio. Uk repeaters, World Prefix list, UK & U.S bandplans, HF World-wide beacons, Free Ad's, Web site awards
F5LRL Meulnet
Site de F5LRL with logs and picts
ARI Taranto
ARI section Taranto
Sarasota Emergency Radio Club
The Sarasota Emergency Radio Club, is an Amateur (Ham) Radio club in Sarasota, Florida, dedicated to provide emergency and public service communications.
Considerate Operators Frequency Guide
The Considerate Operator's Guide shows frequencies generally recognized for certain modes or activities (all frequencies are in MHz).
Experimental HF 6-band SSB transceiver
Technical Reference/Homebrew
Abstract An SSB radio for the HF bands will be presented. Featuring 12 to 20 Watts of output power (depending on DC supply), full DDS frequency generation, covering 6 major frequency bands (1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz) within the short wave amateur radio spectrum. The rig also features colored LCD and front panel backlight.
Dayton TopBand and Contest Dinners
Brief details regarding the 2020 Dayton TopBand Dinner and the 28th Annual Dayton Contest Dinner
Google Summer of Code
The Google Summer of Code application is complete! Amsat is not guaranteed to be accepted, but it will be great if they are. Applying is a big step forward in representing amateur radio software, raising awareness of amateur satellite, and involving new audiences. It puts a positive light on AMSAT and ORI
St. Vincent
Brian, GW4DVB, will once again be active as J88PI from Palm Island (aka Prune Island, WW Loc. FK92HO, IOTA NA-025), in the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Island group, between April 6-15th
Amateur Radio to hold public demo of emergency communications on January 25 and 26
Despite modern communications — Internet, cell phones, and email, every year whole regions of the country find themselves in the dark. Tornadoes, fires, storms, ice and even the occasional cutting of fiber optic cables leave people without the means to communicate. In these cases, the one consistent service that has never failed has been Amateur Radio
7X7X Algeria
The IARU Region 1 site reports on the 7X7X dxpedition which took place December 28 to January 2
Radio ham makes out-of-this-world connection
Canada's CTV News reports on the contact made by 96-year-old ham radio operator Jean Moffett VE3WAD with International Space Station Commander Luca Parmitano KF5KDP
Ham radio in Hackspace magazine issue 27
Issue 27 of Hackspace magazine features the Scottish Consulate Amateur Radio Club MS0SCZ, the free magazine PDF is now available for download
ARISS educational radio contact with school in Portugal
An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Agrupamento de Escolas Serafim Leite, Sao Joao da Madeira, Portugal on Monday
The DK5YA Vhfdx Page
The DK5YA Vhfdx Site is dedicated to the serious VHFDXer, serving the Web for more than 5 years for all of those working Aurora, Meteorscatter, FAI, EME, Tropo, TEP etc. on 50 MHZ and up.
Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club
The Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club (CVARC) is a 501(c)3 organization incorporated as a non-profit in the State of California, and established for the benefit of the amateur radio community.
W9AIU Egyptian Radio Club
Formed by a small group of young hams meeting in Herb Wilhelm's, W9APX, dry cleaning shop in East St. Louis, Illinois.
Tri-County Amateur Radio Club VA3TRI
Website for radio Amateurs in the Hastings, Peterborough, and Northumberland Counties of East Central Ontario, Canada. Propagation information as well as antenna designs and home brew projects and Club News. Many links to Amateur Radio information
The Amateur Radio Flea Market
Treffpunkt Amateurfunk (German)
SZ2PRO Exemplary Ham Radio Club
SZ2PRO - Exemplary Radio-amateur Club Greece
The Grand Strand Amateur Radio Club GSARC
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Amateur Radio Club,
The half-wave dipole, your first antenna
Construction tips of a basic wire antenna, the half wave dipole. Inverted V dipoles and effects of inverted v on radiation pattern.
CQ 160 Meter CW Contest
The CW mode is held the final full weekend of January. The Phone mode is held the final full weekend of February.
AM QSO Party in Europe this weekend
This coming weekend is the AM QSO PARTY in Europe. Have you dusted off that homebrew or vintage equipment, or set up your modern transceiver for AM? Well do it now, don't delay!
Timor-Leste DXpedition
Members of the Lagunaria DX Group are planning a DXpedition to Timor-Leste sometime in October-November
Falkland Island ham radio licences
The Falkland Islands communications regulator is requesting that people revalidate their lifetime amateur radio licences


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