A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





10361- 10395 of 10428 News Items
How to study for your ham radio licence
The very first thing you need to know is which exam you need to take and what you can do with different licences. A basic guide to understand what you need to to do to get your amateur radio licence
Blackout-causing 'super' solar storms happen more often than we thought
Powerful solar storms pose a great danger to our technologies here on Earth, and space weather scientists just determined that we see these storms far more often than we thought, possibly up to once every 25 years
World Radio Day: 7S6WRD active from Grimeton
Sweden's national amateur radio society SSA report on the activities at the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station to celebrate World Radio Day on February 13
High-altitude balloon photos of polar stratospheric clouds
Last month, traveled with students to the Arctic Circle to launch a series of cosmic ray balloons into the polar stratosphere. During the trip something lucky happened. Rare polar stratospheric clouds appeared over the launch site
New draft ARRL HF Bandplans
The HF Bandplanning committee has been looking at the HF digital mode segments and has issued a new draft bandplan
TyQSL - a Web based Logbook that started as little project
When i got my Ham radio License in 2018, my search for a simple and modern Logbook Solution ended without any decent result. So i started to make my own Little web Application to log my QSOs, that had Features I missed in other Solutions so far
Icom IC-705
Ray Novak, N9JA came for a visit with a great new QRP Radio that’s soon to be released.
ARRL HF Band Planning Committee Seeks Comments on Recommendations

The ARRL HF Band Planning Committee is seeking comments and suggestions from the Amateur Radio community on its report to the ARRL Board. At the Board’s January meeting, the committee presented its specific recommendations in graphical form for each HF band and each US license class, with the goal of increasing harmony on the HF bands, particularly between CW and digital users.

“In general, the ...

IARU Region 1 Youngsters on the Air Summer Camp 2020 will be in Croatia

International Amateur Radio Union Debuts New Websites

Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, Elected AMSAT President

During a teleconference meeting this week, the AMSAT Board of Directors elected Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, of Granbury, Texas, as AMSAT President. Coleman had served as a member of the Board of Directors and as AMSAT Secretary from 2017 until 2019, and he has volunteered in several other capacities for AMSAT, including as chair of the 2016 AMSAT Space Symposium. He succeeds Joe Spier, K6WAO, who r...

070 club PSK31 Awards
Original PSK31 awards by the 070 Club
W4BUG Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association

AGB Activity Group of Belarus
International ham radio club of Belarus
A list of computer,ham radio, ARES,RACES,MARS Link pages
KP4AO Amateur Radio Club Homepage
Manufacturers/Software Defined Radio
Nuand bladeRF 2.0 Software Defined Radio (SDR) 47MHz to 6GHz, 2x2MIMO, 61.44MHz sampling
Radio Equipment/Amateur Radio Accessories
The Swiss army knife for Digital Voice, the DVMEGA radio is basically a complete D-Star and DMR compatible hotspot
The Engineering Edge podcast
Professor Lucy Rogers M6CME visited Surrey Space Centre and talked to Dr Chris Bridges M0IEB for episode 4 of The Engineering Edge podcast
Phoenix CubeSat upcoming deployment
Sarah Rogers KI7OOY reports that on Feb 12, several CubeSats are scheduled to be deployed from the ISS. Among them is the Phoenix CubeSat
Keeping Ham Radio Relevant - online event tonight
Dan Maloney KC1DJT says "amateur radio is fighting a two-front war for its continued existence"
Undersea Expedition Planned to Retrieve Titanic’s Radio Gear

The company with sole rights to salvage artifacts from the RMS Titanic has gone to court to gain permission to carry out a “surgical removal and retrieval” of the Marconi radio equipment on the ship, a Washington Post article reports. The Titanic sank in 1912 on its maiden voyage after striking an iceberg in the North Atlantic. As the radio room filled with water, radio operator Jack Phillips t...

Informal Special Event to Commemorate Amateur Radio Newsline Cofounder Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF

The Amateur Radio Newsline Amateur Radio Club will sponsor an informal activation of WA6ITF, the call sign long held by Newsline cofounder Bill Pasternak, who died 5 years ago. Pasternak would have turned 72 on February 7. With Bill Orenstein, KH6IAF, Pasternak created the original Amateur Radio Newsline as the Westlink Radio Network, recruiting volunteer broadcasters to contribute ham radio ne...

ARISS Announces Hosts for Space Station Ham Radio Contacts

 Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) has announced the names of schools and organizations selected to host amateur radio contacts with International Space Station crew members during the second half of 2020. Ten proposals were accepted to move forward in the selection process and placed in a scheduling queue for an amateur radio contact between July and December 2020. Altho...

President Signs PIRATE Act to Combat Illegal Broadcasting

On January 24, President Donald Trump signed into law the “Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement Act” or the “PIRATE Act.” The measure, which amends the Communications Act of 1934, authorizes enhanced penalties for violators. Under the new law, pirate radio broadcasters would be subject to a fine of not more than $2 million, and violators could be fined up to $100,000 for each day ... Ends Identity Verified Program

The popular amateur radio website has dropped its verified member program, which the site instituted last year in an effort to combat fraud and password phishers. Termination of the program was due to “a number of factors,” the site’s founder and president Fred Lloyd, AA7BQ, explained in a post. Lloyd said the change will “transition our online swapmeet rules to reflect more open polici...

“The Auroral Connection” to be Focus of 2020 HamSCI Workshop

W8DF Southern Michigan Amateur Radio Society
Southern Michigan Amateur Radio Society Battle Creek,Michigan
Paladin Contest Club
Paladin Contest Club Homepage
60m Band Frequencies
International 60m band channel frequencies.
Wexaukee Amateur Radio Club
Wexford Missaukee County Ham Radio, Swap Cadillac Michigan
S5 HF Band Plan
Amateur Radio bandplan in a large PDF A3 format valid for Serbia and Region 2
Cocos Island
Two operations from Cocos Island (NA-012) are expected to be on the air. Operators Mark/XE1B (4A4A) and Frank/HK5OKY are expected to be active as TI9C until February 9th, depending on the weather and Jorge/TI2JV, Dmitry/RA9USU, Mats/SM6LRR and Andrew/UA3AB are expected to be active as TI9A until February 12th.
Micronesia Special Event
Haru, JA1XGI, will be using the special event callsign, V6TOPG2020, from several islands in Micronesia between June 1st and the end of September
South Orkney Island DXpedition
We're on autopilot, next stop Punta Arenas, Chile. The project is on schedule -- Team members will begin arriving in Punta Arenas on February 9th, Braveheart is scheduled to arrive on February 13th, we load the ship on Feb 14th and depart on Feb 15th for Signy Island


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