US Marines Sponsor Ham Radio Licensing Course
CubeSats Set for Deployment from the ISS
Several CubeSats are scheduled to be deployed from the ISS on February 12, including Phoenix, a 3U CubeSat developed by Arizona State University (ASU) to study the effects of urban heat islands through remote infrared sensing. The ASU operations team would appreciate help from the amateur satellite community with identifying the spacecraft and verifying that it is operational following its depl...
ARRL Creates New HF Band Planning Discussion Group
ARRL has created a new HF Band Planning Discussion Group. HF Band Planning Committee Chair Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, will moderate the group, which will focus on the ARRL HF Band Planning Committee’s recommendations and other band-planning activities. Earlier this month, the ARRL HF Band Planning Committee invited comments and suggestions from the Amateur Radio community on its report to the ARRL ...
KP4AE Beto
KP4AE webpages with photos and information about SSTV, from puerto rico.
About my self, family & the exciting of amateur radio.
The Voice of Idaho
The Voice of Idaho Amateur Radio Club Website. News and information from Treasure Valley and surrounding area
Official W1UL Ham Cram Website
The Ham Cram method is designed to prepare you for the FCC tests in the shortest time possible giving you the highest level of confidence. It's totally free.
Feld-Hell Club
Club dedicated to the world of Hellschreiber
Radio Caroline North - February
DIY Radio Telescopes Hack Chat
Join us on Wednesday, February 12 at noon Pacific for the DIY Radio Telescopes Hack Chat with James Aguirre!
IARUMS January newsletter now available
The latest IARU-R1 Monitoring System newsletter is the first to be published by Peter Jost HB9CET since he took over the IARUMS Region 1 Coordinator role on January
Secret role of Beaumanor Hall
The Leicester Mercury reports on the top secret wartime listening station role of a Leicestershire mansion
Bletchley Park: Build a Radio Receiver
Bletchley Park is hosting another workshop with the RSGB on March 14 where you can build your own radio receiver
ACMA consultation on 3.4 GHz ham radio band
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is consulting on proposed changes to amateur access to the 3400-3575 MHz band to help facilitate the ACMA’s preferred planning option for the band
Florence RadioFest 2020
The Florence RadioFest is the hamfest that attracts the most part of Italian radio amateurs from central Italy, based on a large flea market, it is totally dedicated to amateur radio enthusiasts
ARRL release January Board minutes
The ARRL has released the minutes of the Board meeting held January 17-18 at which they approved the raising of the eligibility age for reduced full ARRL membership dues from 22 to 26
French look at 3-Tier CEPT ham radio structure
One of the French national amateur radio societies URC has expressed its desire for a 3 licence class structure as described in CEPT recommendations rather the the single class available at the present time
Brief Interruptions of ARRL Headquarters Systems Planned for February 13
ARRL Board Grants Awards and Recognitions
ARRL Board of Directors Re-Elects President Rick Roderick, K5UR
EA3FOW Military Radio Blog
Ham radio blog dedicated to military radio equipment by EA3FOW
IARU Region 3 Band Plan 2019
IARU Region 3 bandplan Revised 12 March 2019
JG1EADs home page
QRP blog from japan
LY2FY Rolandas
North Lithuania Amateur Radio Station and Contest Club LY1YK
70cm Mini-Transverter Project
Technical Reference/Transverters The project in this article illustrates how to do this in a simple and low cost way so that you can easily access the microwave bands using the existing HF or HF/VHF transceiver as IF.
Indonesian special event
Look for special event station 8A17BJR between February 19-21st.
Activity is to celebrate the 17th anniversary of the local ORARI Kota Banjar radio club
Italian special event station
Members of the A.R.I. Sezione Brunico/Sektion Bruneck will be using the special event callsign II3BIA to be active between February 12-23rd
St. Pierre and Miquelon
Operators Chris/VO1IDX (Co-Teamleader), Jim/WB2REM (Co-Teamleader), Chris/VO1CH (TO5T-License Holder), Mike/W0VTT, Woody/WW1WW and Steve/W4SJT will be active as TO5T from the island of Ile Aux Marins (NA-032) between August 10-17th
Solar Orbiter launch takes solar science to new heights
Solar Orbiter, a new collaborative mission between ESA (European Space Agency) and NASA to study the Sun, launched at 11:03 p.m. EST Sunday on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida
GB60, England
Members of the British Amateur Radio Teledata Group (BARTG) will be celebrating the club's 'Diamond Jubilee' (60th anniversary of supporting the data modes) with the special callsign GB60ATG until June 30th
VI250, Australian Special Event
Members of the Cairns Amateur Radio Club (Cairns, Far North Queensland) will activate the special event call-sign VI250COOK between May 1st and August 31st. Activity is to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Captain James Cook sailing up the east coast of Australia from what is now Sydney to what is now Cooktown in Far North Queensland
Ham College 61 – Extra Class Begins
Ham College episode 61 is now available. Are you ready for Amateur Extra? Our 1st Extra Class episode. What’s on the exam?
M1CJE - SOTA Mountain Goat
Congratulations to Andrew Eastland, M1CJE (pictured on the right of the photo), who has achieved the accolade of SOTA Mountain Goat. This is the principal award in the Summits on the Air scheme, and marks passing through 1000 activator points
IARU R1 HF Managers Handbook
This is the eight edition of the HF Managers Handbook and contains changes agreed during the 2008 IARU Region 1 Conference in Cavtat, 2011 IARU Region 1 Conference in Sun City, 2014 IARU Region 1 Conference in Varna and IARU Region 1 Interim Meeting Vienna 2016
Colombian Amateur radio DX Group