A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





1156- 1190 of 10943 News Items
ARRL New Jersey Sections Sign Agreement with American Red Cross

On Friday, August 25, 2023, Section Manager of the ARRL Northern New Jersey Section Robert Buus, W2OD, and Section Manager of the ARRL Southern New Jersey Section Tom Preiser, N2XW, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with representatives from the American Red Cross (ARC) New Jersey Region. The MOU focuses on disaster planning and response for communities within New Jersey during and aft...

QSO Banat Timisoara Roadioclub
Siteul Radioclubului QSO Banat Timisoara YO2KQT ham station
Introduction to HF - Aerials
The following is the third part of a three-part guide to help get started with HF, written by Charlie Davy – M0PZT
North Carolina School Contacts the International Space Station

On August 28, 2023, students at Bowman Middle School in Bakersville, North Carolina, talked to NASA Astronaut Stephen Bowen, KI5BKB, who as on board the International Space Station (ISS).

For months, 22 students had been preparing for a 10-minute window to ask Bowen about his time and experiences on the ISS. They were able to ask 13 questions, like, "What is it like to be in space?" and, "Is the...

FT8 - The Basics Explained
Operating Modes/FT8
A brief introduction to the FT8 operating mode and tips on how to start using this modern and efficient digital mode.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2334
Small DuoBand Antenna, Speaker Wire Delta Loop Antenna for 20M, How To Achieve Perfect PCB Soldering, Amateur Service Spectrum Requirements at 7 MHz, 50MHz Sound Archive, YAESU beam controller to suit RigExpert WTI-1, G8BCG SIX METRES Pages
ARRL Audio News September 8, 2023

ARRL Audio News September 8, 2023

USA Radio Orienteering Team Brings Home Silver and Bronze Medals

 At the 21st International Amateur Radio Union World Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) Championship in Liberec, Czech Republic, held August 27 through September 2, 2023, USA competitors won a silver medal for an individual competition, as well as two bronze team medals.

ARDF, also known as radio orienteering, is a multi-skill sport that involves running and navigation using only a map and c...

Former ARRL Oregon Section Manager John Core, KX7YT, SK

ARRL is sad to announce that John Core, KX7YT, Section Manager of the ARRL Oregon Section from 2016 - 2018, passed away suddenly on August 11, 2023. He was 80 years young.



John first earned his Novice-class license in 1970 with the call sign WN7PQL. He subsequently upgraded to his General-class license in 1971 with the call sign WA7PQL, his Advanced-class license in 1976, and finally, to his A...

Amateur Radio Volunteers Needed for Marine Corps Marathon

The 2023 Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) will take place on Sunday, October 29 in Washington, D.C., and Arlington County, Virginia at 7:55 AM EDT. The MCM Ham Volunteers team is looking for 150 amateur radio operators to support the event by providing racecourse situation reports. 

The Marine Corps Marathon, also known as the People's Marathon, expects to support more than 29,000 runners at this yea...

Changes in the ARRL Louisiana Section

Section Manager of the ARRL Louisiana Section John Mark Robertson, K5JMR, has stepped down. He has held this role since April 1, 2018. Robertson has been very active in the Section and in Louisiana ARES. He held the Emergency Coordinator and both District and Section Emergency Coordinator positions before he assumed the role of Section Manager.

Matt Anderson, KD5KNZ, has been appointed to fill t...

DIY 850 MHz Yagi Antenna
This DIY Yagi costs less than 20 Dollars, and let you increase the performance of your connection. With this project you can build a better Yagi beam antenna resonant on 850MHz, a 8 element yagi directional antenna
Dave Coons, WT8W, Former ARRL Great Lakes Division Director, SK

David “Dave” Lee Coons, WT8W, former Director of the ARRL Great Lakes Division, passed away on September 2, 2023, at the age of 92. Coons joined ARRL in 1963 and was a member of the ARRL Diamond Club.

According to the obituary published in the Dayton Daily News, Coons was a disabled veteran of the United States Navy, having served during the Korean War. He retired from his role as postmaster of ...

Schoharie County Amateur Radio Association
Ham Radio/Clubs/North America/USA/New York
The Schoharie County Amateur Radio Association (SCARA) was established by a group of Schoharie County amateurs, along with a few from just over the County line in 1946. That date is based on the best we can find from old club records and recall of conversations with some of the original group, now all SK.
W7SP Utah Amateur Radio Club
Our club is the oldest and largest amateur radio club in the state of Utah. It holds the call W7SP, a memorial call for Leonard (Zim) Zimmerman, early UARC member and radio pioneer
W5YI : Resources for Amateur Radio
Assisting applicants in obtaining the various FCC-issued Amateur and Commercial Radio Operator licenses.
Fractal Antennas Master Course
A course on fractals antennas theory provided by La Ecole nationale superieure de techniques avancees in France. Course is in French.
Manufacturers/Digital Mobile Radio
A high-technology enterprise specializing in the R&D, production and sale of two-way radio equipment for over twenty years. DMR Radio, Digital and analog portable radio manufacturer based in China
Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club
Ham Radio/Clubs/Europe/UK/Scotland
Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club is the only amateur radio club in South-West Scotland. We serve the huge area of Dumfries and Galloway and northwards into Ayrshire
Manufacturers/Digital and Packet Radio/TNC
The TARPN NinoTNC is a USB 1200/2400/4800/9600 baud KISS-TNC project
WRTC 2026 UK
DX Resources/Contest
World Radiosport Team Championship, United Kingdom 2026 official web site.
ARRL Audio News September 1, 2023

ARRL Audio News September 1, 2023

ARRL Headquarters Closed Labor Day

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® Headquarters will be closed on Monday, September 4, 2023, in observance of the Labor Day federal holiday. There will be no W1AW bulletin or code practice transmissions. ARRL Headquarters will reopen on Tuesday, September 5, at 8 AM EDT (1200 UTC).

Visit the ARRL Special Events Stations database to find on-the-air events and commemorations this we...

Changes to the ARRL Oregon Section

Section Manager of the ARRL Oregon Section Jonathan Wanzer, KK6GXG, has decided to step down from the role citing personal reasons. Jonathan assumed the role on July 1, 2023, with the intent of serving for the remainder of the term. ARRL Field Services Manager Mike Walters, W8ZY, has appointed Scott Rosenfeld, N7JI, to complete the term.


Rosenfeld, from Eugene, Oregon, has served as a Volunteer...

Hurricane Idalia: ARRL Amateur Radio Volunteers Serve

Volunteers of ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® were using their Amateur Radio Service license privileges to serve communities affected by Hurricane Idalia. Idalia made landfall Wednesday, August 30 on Florida's Big Bend region as a Category 3 storm sustaining winds of 125 miles per hour. The storm tracked across Georgia and into South Carolina, and on Thursday morning it had mo...

Yaesu FT-818 Review
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-818
An owner point of view of the Yaesu FT-818 QRP transceiver capable to work HF VHF UHF in CW, AM, LSB, USB, FM, PACKET.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2333
The VHF UHF Eggbeater Antenna Revisited, 70cm Eggbeater Antenna, EggBeater Antenna for VHF UHF, The AntennaPi , Homebrew Z-Match Transmatch, China radios SWL, Portable Base Matching Unit for 42 to 48 Foot Verticals,
6 Meter Beacons - Worldwide
DX Resources/Beacons/6 meters beacons
This list has been prepared by Harry Schools KA3B and Ray Clark K5ZMS for SMIRK - The Six Meter International Radio Klub.
Hurricane Idalia: FCC Approves ARRL Petition to Aid Emergency Communications

 ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® has received approval from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for an emergency waiver to facilitate amateur radio emergency communications for hurricane relief.

The request, filed by the ARRL Washington DC Counsel on August 29, 2023, seeks a waiver of HF symbol rate restrictions.

Trained radio amateurs involved with the Amateur Radio Eme...

aLog365 is a ham radio (amateur radio) logbook for Android and for apple iOS. Includes features for SOTA, POTA, WWFF operations, export to all popular log file formats ADIF, EDI, Cabrillo. Upload data to Ham465 and includes dx cluster spots. iOS version is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch and provides also an up to date DX Pedition plan.
Build a W3DZZ Antenna
The purpose of this construction is to enable the realization of an HF antenna called W3DZZ with minimal equipment and low cost. It allows traffic on the bands 3.5 / 7/14/21 and 28MHz.
Idalia Prompts Amateur Radio Activations

Volunteers of ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® are activating ahead of Tropical Storm Idalia. The storm, which is forecast to intensify into a hurricane, was tracking from the Caribbean into the Gulf of Mexico, between Cancun and the western tip of Cuba. Models agreed that it could make landfall on the Florida Gulf Coast as a category 3 hurricane on Wednesday.

In a planning call...

E51D Log Online
DX Resources/Logs
Online log for E51D DX-Pedition to North Cook Islands service provided by clublog
E51D North Cook Islands
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
E51D North Cook Islands DX Pedition, Penrhyn Atoll (Tongreva) Aug 22 - Sep 9 2023
Fix FT-757GXII blank display
Technical Reference/HF Radios
A quick fix for a Yaesu FT-757GXII blank display


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