A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





1191- 1225 of 10943 News Items
Field Strength Meter
Technical Reference/Test Equipment
The field strength meter (FSM) is a very useful addition to any HAM toolbox. If you are messing around with antennas, or building PA's, or trying to repair some TX gear, the FSM will come to your rescue when there is doubt about the output level.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2332
Outdoor 80m/40m bands Magnetic loop antenna, Active 3-30 MHz Hula-Loop Antenna for Shortwave, A600 Power Amplifier Project, Chokes and Temperature changes, JRC NVA-88 Modification, NOAA Predicted Sunspot Number, Improving the audio on the ICOM IC-27,
ARRL Audio News August 25, 2023

ARRL Audio News August 25, 2023

ICOM IC-7100 Review
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Icom IC-7100
An owners point of view about the ICOM IC-7100 HF, 6M, 4M, 2M & 70cm transceiver
Short introduction to D-STAR
Operating Modes/D-STAR
On this page, you will find some basic information about D-Star, and some handy information for those in and around Essex UK
Troubleshooting Data Mode Problems
Operating Modes/Digital Modes
This page has been put together for those who are having problems getting a data mode (such as PSK31, JT-65 or FT-8) to work. It is not definitive, but might be of help
Ashland Amateur Radio Technical Society
This is a new club serving the Henry County area.
Aluminium Push Up Mast
Antennas/Masts and mounts
A DIY aluminium push up mast project. The final mast includes 7 aluminium tubes with 6 cable clamps
Candidates Named for ARRL Director and Vice Director Elections

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® has announced  that the candidates for the 2023 ARRL Division elections are now official. ARRL members will choose between two candidates for Director in the Great Lakes Division, and two candidates for Vice Director in the Atlantic and Dakota Divisions. In the Atlantic, Dakota, Delta and Midwest Divisions, incumbents for Director are unopposed....

FT-710 Yaesu official web site
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-710
Yaesu HF/50MHz band 100W Compact SDR Transceiver
Tropical Storm Hilary: Amateur Radio Activates

Amateur Radio operators activated on Sunday, August 20, 2023 to provide communications and information for Tropical Storm Hilary. As of mid-morning Sunday, the system was moving up the Baja Peninsula of Mexico, expected to cross into Southern California. Heavy rains were falling in San Diego, and local media reported that 250 airline flights had been canceled.

Amateur radio operations began Sund...

Yaesu FT-710 QST Review
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-710
Yaesu FT-710 AESS MF/HF and 6-Meter Transceiver review on QST
Band Decoder Arduino
Technical Reference/Arduino
Arduino/ATtiny Based (Ham Radio) ICOM CIV to Yaesu BCD Band Decoder. Build a ICOM CIV to Yaesu BCD Band to automatically band switch the Yaesu Quadra Amplifier.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2331
HF Radio Propagation Forecast, Mains RF Filter, Some secrets of Common Mode Chokes revealed, Short receiving loop antenna, Shortened 30m Dipole , FT-817 internal battery power Fix, Estimated International Sunspot Number,
ARRL Audio News August 18, 2023

ARRL Audio News August 18, 2023

Building a new lithium battery
Technical Reference/Batteries
Homebrew a custom lithium battery pack with 5s3p batteries
40m Wire Antennas Comparison
On the field comparison among C-Pole antenna, an EFHW vertical antenna and an Inverter V dipole antenna. Test is done using two identical WSPRLite beacons that transmit with 200mW on the WSPR frequency and analyzing spotted results.
Dx-peditions365 App
Dx-peditions365 let you follow the main DX-peditions on a dedicated calendar page that shows the schedule of all monthly expeditions, running dxpeditions and even shows the dxpeditions reported on their users logs or cluster spots. App available on apple iOS and Android.
Three-Element Hex Beam Project
Building the Three-Element Hex Beam. A project and construction phase of an HF hex-Beam antenna using trees to hang the antenna and a Channel Master antenna rotator.
New ARRL Video Helps Members Navigate Digital Magazines

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® is helping members get more out of their digital magazine experience. ARRL members all have digital access to four high quality magazines: QST, On The Air, QEX, and NCJ.  If you have questions or concerns about how to get the most out of the digital editions, a new video on the ARRLHQ YouTube channel will help walk you through it.

The video, hos...

Tripod Platform and Bi-Quad Antenna Mount
Antennas/Masts and mounts
23cm Transverter and Bi-Quad antenna mounted on a customized Tripod
9:1 Balun and Unun
Homebrew a 9:1 transformer and measurement for testing purposes with a miniVNA
Devastating Hawaii Wildfires Prompt Response from Amateur Radio Emergency Service

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® is closely following updates from the Hawaii Amateur Radio Emergency Service®, Hawaii ARES®, as amateur radio operators respond following deadly wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

On Tuesday, August 8, wildfires, fueled by the strong winds of Hurricane Dora, were burning in Maui and Hawaiʻi Counties. By the next day, much of Lāhainā on Mau...

White Rock Amateur Radio Club
The Radio Club was formed at the request of long term resident and mayor, Hardy Staub, VE7IDY, to provide the city with an Amateur radio communication resource, should the need arise.
Treasure Valley Radio Association K7OJI
Radio club serving ham operators in Southwestern Idaho and Eastern Oregon.
Variations on a Dipole
Antenna patterns are all about interference. Presentation on wire antennas for HF bands. Dipoles, horizontal and vertical dipoles, effects of ground on radiation patterns, multi-band wires antennas. Knowing what you should expect from the radiation patterns for waves on your wires will help you choose what will work best for your needs. The principles of interference can lend insight into what to expect from a wire antenna.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2330
Raspberry PI remote Ham Radio Server, High Performance Common-Mode Chokes, DIY Yagi Antenna, A High Performance RF Choke for the HF bands, Thunderstorm connected with Sporadic E propagation,, Portable Operating Tips for Ham Radios,
ARRL Audio News August 11, 2023

ARRL Audio News August 11, 2023

New ARRL Video Helps Members Navigate Digital Magaines

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® is helping members get more out of their digital magazine experience. ARRL members all have digital access to four high quality magazines: QST, On The Air, QEX, and NCJ.  If you have questions or concerns about how to get the most out of the digital editions, a new video on the ARRLHQ YouTube channel will help walk you through it.

The video, hos...

Two New Digitpeating Amateur Radio Satellites Approved

The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has coordinated two European digipeating satellites that are scheduled to launch in fall 2023. At the Technical University of Košice in Slovakia, satellite Veronika, a 1U CubeSat, is scheduled for launch on a Falcon 9 launcher on the Transporter 9 mission in October 2023.

The satellite will be equipped with a 24/7 digipeater on two different bands, as...

Cloverleaf Antenna
Cloverleaf antenna is a circular polarized antenna which is way better than the cheap dipole antenna that comes with video transmitters and receivers. The Cloverleaf is a closed loop antenna which the signal and ground wires are connected. The cloverleaf antenna has 3 loops at 120 degree apart, and they are titled at 45 degree to horizontal plane.
Repair of an FT-1000 MP Mark V
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-1000MP
Repair of a Yaesu FT-1000 MP Mark V probably struck by lightning.
Yaesu FTDX101D QST Review
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FTDX101
Yaesu FTDX101D HF and 6-Meter Transceiver ARRL QST review
GP Antenna for 1296 MHz
Quarter wave Ground Plane antenna for the 23 cm band, 1296 MHz.
Performance of 49:1 Ferrite Core Transformers
Antennas/Theory/Impedance matching
There are quite a few recipes for building a suitable transformer for an end fed half wave antenna (EFHW), but I was never sure I really understood the main principles. So, I wound a bunch of transformers, made measurements on them using my NanoVNA, learned how to get what I really wanted out of the VNA measurements, and in the process discovered how to build better transformers and be able to predict what they will do


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