A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





1191- 1225 of 10554 News Items
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2310
KD5RVX MicroVert Antenna, Capacitive Antenna by DL7JV, FT8WW Crozet DXPedition, Can Antenna Calculator, Antenna too long! Capacitive couple with transformation to TRX., Microvert antenna calculator, FT5/W Crozet 2022,
2023 Ulrich L. Rohde Award Call for Papers

The Software Defined Radio Academy (SDRA) has issued a call for papers for the 2023 Ulrich L. Rohde Award. This award, named after Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde, N1UL, was created in 2022 and is presented to those who have completed innovative research in the field of software-defined radio (SDR). It's a paper award that requires a written submission by applicants. There are first - second - and third -p...

HF DXView Propagation Map
DX Resources/DX Maps
This map shows real-time radio propagation from stations operating on 11 bands between 1.8 and 54 MHz in the amateur radio service. The display shows world-wide activity from the last 15 minutes and is automatically updated about every minute. Data for the map is gathered from several online sources: WSPRnet, Reverse Beacon Network (CW, FT4, FT8), PskReporter, and DX Cluster.
Homebrew HF Radio Made Easy: The uBITX v6 RTX Kit
The uBITX v6 is a compact and versatile single board transceiver that covers the entire HF range with minimal controls. It features an Arduino Nano controller, Si5351 oscillator, and a double conversion superhet architecture. Simple to build and align, it offers up to 10 watts pep on lower HF bands.
ARRL International DX Contest a Success

Last weekend (March 4 - 5, 2023) was the phone segment of the ARRL International DX Contest.

Although the deadline to submit logs is 2359Z on March 12, preliminary numbers already show an increase in submissions compared to the same period last year. Conditions were favorable for much of the world, and many operators took to social media to talk about their wins.

Italian ham Chris Diemoz, IX1CKN,...

Morse Code Practice Oscillator
Technical Reference/Morse Code Oscillator
In this project, we blend old school and new school tech to create a Morse code oscillator that you can use to practice keying Morse code. We start by milling out a double-sided board on the Bantam Tools Desktop PCB Milling Machine, then we solder on a series of components, and finally test our skills of yesteryear communication
ARRL Audio News March 10, 2023

ARRL Audio News March 10, 2023

MSF radio time signal
Shortwave Radio/Broadcasters/Time Signal Radios
The MSF radio signal is a dedicated standard-frequency and time broadcast that provides an accurate and reliable source of UK civil time. It is available 24 hours a day across the whole of the UK and beyond. The signal operates on a frequency of 60 kHz and carries a time and date code that can be received and decoded by a wide range of readily-available radio-controlled clocks.
A Morse Code Practice Oscillator
Technical Reference/Morse Code Oscillator
Maybe not state-of-the-art technology but the author offers a quick and easy project for a Morse code practice oscillator using a 555 timer chip
Schools Set to Talk with Astronauts via Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) has announced that several schools are planning to communicate with orbiting astronauts in the coming weeks.

Lana'i High & Elementary School in Lana'i City, Hawaii, will attempt the contact between March 20 and 24, 2023. Students attending the high school already study amateur radio and the research being done on the ISS, among other scien...

CW Key-to-Rig Switch Box
Technical Reference/Homebrew
This is an easy afternoon project to switch multiple cw keys between several rigs. If you've ever wanted to change keys on one rig or use one key on several rigs, this gadget makes it easy. Plug keys into the box inputs, and plug each of the box outputs into a rig. No need to fumble around behind the rigs to move a key from one to another or to swap paddles for a bug.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2309
A compact 5 bands remote switchable BPF , DJ9PK SWR Meters, Zen and the Art of Radiotelegraphy, KC9ON CW Morse Products, FOC Guide to Morse Code Proficiency, ITU International Morse Code Recommendation,
HF EFHW Antenna Antenna Tuner
Antennas/End-Fed/End Fed Half Wave Antenna
Schemaric diagram for a 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m EFHW Antenna Antenna Tuner. The tuner has been designed for an antenna length of 41m and the counterpoise 7.5m.
Federachi - Chile
Federachi - federacion de clubes de radioaficionados de chile
URE WebCluster
DX Resources/Clusters
Online DX Cluster provided by URE Union Radioafocionados Espanoles Provide current band status, propagation map, solar indices and dx spots with several filtering functions
Chicago Hamfesters Radio Club
Chicago's oldest and best amateur radio club
K1FM Mini Magnetic Loop
Antennas/Magnetic Loop
Original HF magnetic loop antenna designed by the author to work in conjunction with QRP transceivers like the FT-817 in portable operations. In this configuration the loop can operate from 30 to 10 meters. Using a two spires radiator of the same diameter it also covers 40 meters.
ARRL Audio News March 3, 2023

ARRL Audio News March 3, 2023

2023 Hamvention Awards Announced

The 2023 Hamvention Awards committee, chaired by Michael Kalter, W8CI, has announced the 2023 Hamvention award winners.

The Special Achievement Award recipient is Dr. Jason McDonald, MD, N2TPA. He is an active, well-known Amateur Extra-class operator who earned his license in 2003. Dr. McDonald began as a radio frequency engineer before changing careers to become a trauma surgeon. Dr. McDonald’...

Ridgeway Repeater Group

HD8M Galapagos
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
March 1-11 2023 DXPedition to Galapagos, Santa Cruz Island SA-004
Portable 40m CW Transceiver
Technical Reference/QRP Projects/QRP CW Transceiver
Homemade portable transceiver for the 40 meters band.
The Art of Telegraphy: Learning Morse Code with a Practice Oscillator
The importance of having a Morse practice oscillator for those who want to learn Morse code. Options for buying or building one.
28 MHz Antenna Project
10m Flowerpot Antenna, monoband half-wave vertical coaxial dipole antenna for 28 Mhz.
W8LT - A History of Amateur Radio at Ohio State University

W8LT is the call sign for the Amateur Radio and RF Club at The Ohio State University (OSU).

The university club has a long history, and archive records indicate that 1926 was the year it officially became a club, likely making it the oldest one on campus. W8LT is just 3 years shy of celebrating its 100th anniversary.

In the early 1920s, the call sign started out as 8LT, until the Radio Act of 192...

ARRL Headquarters will be Closed on Tuesday, February 28

Due to anticipated severe winter weather, ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Tuesday, February 28 for the safety of our staff. We expect things will be back to normal on Wednesday, March 1.

Software/Aircraft scatter
Aircraft Scatter Sharp is a windows application to calculate and assist airscatter operations. Real-time capture and display of plane position data derived from internet plane servers, highlighting of aircraft near the ideal position for scatter, Real-time estimation of Doppler shift and its rate of change.
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station Seeking Contact Proposals

The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program is seeking formal and informal educational institutions and organizations, either individually or working together, to host an amateur radio contact with a crew member on board the International Space Station (ISS).

ARISS anticipates the contact will be held between January 1, 2024, and June 30, 2024. Crew scheduling and ISS or...

3B7M St Brandon DXPedition
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
Saint Brandon expedition 3B7M 2023. Official web site
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2308
Reverse Polarity Protection, QRM Eleminator by DC2WK, Astatic Mic Wiring Handbook, Ham365, The battle with massive RFI problems in the shack, Worked All Britain Award,
Knightlites QRP Association
Founded in 1995 (or thereabouts) by a small group of QRP enthusiasts in central North Carolina, Knightlites membership quickly started spanning the globe.
Thevenin equivalent calculator
Software/Circuit Design
The Thevenin equivalent simplifies a complex circuit into an equivalent circuit with a voltage source and resistor for easy analysis of voltage and current at any point in the circuit. Use this online Thevenin calculator
2022 Roanoke Division ARRL Service Award Recipient Selected

John Gendron, NJ4Z, has been named the recipient of the 2022 Roanoke Division ARRL Service Award. This award is the highest and most prestigious recognition of an ARRL member operator within the Division's four states who has shown consistent and extensive leadership.

First licensed as a Technician in 2016, Gendron quickly advanced to the General- and Amateur Extra-class licenses. At the same ti...

Airplane scattering
Operating Modes/Aircraft scatter
Operating on Airplane scattering. Scattering of radio signals by airplanes. An introduction to operating ariplane scattering, using aircraft to redirect RF that would otherwise be lost in space. Antenna Pointing, Doppler Shift/Digital Modes, using digital modes to operate airscatter.
ARRL Audio News February 24, 2023

ARRL Audio News February 24, 2023


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