A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





1226- 1260 of 10554 News Items
ARRL Welcomes Kevin Beal, K8EAL, as the Director of Development

Kevin Beal, K8EAL, has joined ARRL staff as the Director of Development. He has a significant background in nonprofit administration, and for the last 17 years, has managed large-scale projects and teams. His previous experience includes various roles supporting organizations and higher education institutions with program management, events, alumni engagement, and fundraising. 

Beal has also wo...

KE8RV Madison County Amateur Radio Club
A mission of the club is to promote amateur radio by way of educational programming and activities. MCARC is an affiliated club with the ARRL.
Aircraft Scatter ACS
Operating Modes/Aircraft scatter
Getting started with Aircraft scatter, defined as the process of scatter radio waves of the body of a traveling aircraft in order to enhance the distance possible to bridge on VHF, UHF and microwaves. The ACS path, Equipment requirement and Operating techniques
Bouvet Island DXpedition Wraps Up

The 3Y0J activation of Bouvet Island has finished. The team concluded operations at 3:00 UTC on February 14, 2023, with around 19,000 contacts logged.

The team has boarded the S/V Marama and began their journey to Cape Town, South Africa. They expect to arrive by February 23.

Photos uploaded to social media by Steve Haas, N2AJ, the team's Media Officer, show the harsh reality of the operating env...

20 W HF Power Amplifier
Technical Reference/Amplifiers/HF Amplifiers
A HF power amplifier with a push-pull of AFT09MS015N. The (small-signal) gain of the amplifier is around 26 dB in the lower HF band and goes down to about 24 dB on the higher end and still around 21 dB at 50 MHz. Its input matching is relatively good at the lower HF and degrades above 10 MHz.
Tri-Band VHF/UHF Antenna Design
Antennas/VHF UHF
The TBJ-1 – a triband base antenna was published in March 2017 QST. This antenna covers 2M/220 MHz/70cm in one 6ft 3/4 inch PVC pipe and requires no radials.
Building The Fox-in-a-Box
Technical Reference/Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Telemetry Station project by Burns Fisher, WB1FJ , Chris Thompson G0KLA/AC2CZ. A step by step guide on Building a Fox-In-A-Box The Easy Way, A Prebuilt SD Card Image or from scratch.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2307
The M0CVO HW-42HP OCF Antenna, 160m 80m Vertical Antenna, 80m-40m Loaded Dipole, 80m Shortened Dipole Antenna, Band Pass Filters for HF Transceivers, Digital Dummy Load, Kenwood TS480HX Firmware Upgrade,
IARU Holds First 2023 Meeting

The 56th meeting of the Administrative Council of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was held via Zoom on January 16, with President Tim Ellam, VE6SH, presiding.

The council received reports from the officers of each of the three regions. The meeting's focus was on the International Telecommunication Union's (ITU) upcoming World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) later this year in...

Taking a look at the 900 MHz band
Operating Aids/Radio Spectrum
Use of the band as Amateur Radio is secondary in this band to federal radiolocation systems, industrial, scientific and medical devices, federal fixed and mobile systems and the M-LMS. Bandplans for hams. Allocation in 902 - 928 MHz
Amateur Radio Digital Communications Releases 2022 Annual Report

Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has released it's 2022 Annual Report detailing grants made for amateur radio projects.

In 2022, overall, ARDC approved nearly $6.7 million in grants, and distributed nearly $7.7 million.

ARDC's 2022 grants were distributed in four categories: Amateur Radio, Education, Scholarships, and Research & Development. Below is a list of the total grant amounts d...

W4DUX Peace River Radio Association
Serving Amateur Radio Operators in Charlotte County Florida
Portable HAM radio station
Operating Modes/Portable Operations
Guide to setting up a portable ham radio station, selecting the right components and buying the correct ones, finally setting up and assembling the whole elements.
ARRL Audio News February 17, 2023

ARRL Audio News for February 17, 2023

Resistor combination finder
Technical Reference/Calculators
If you need a non-standard resistor value you could probably realize a close match using two resistor. If you use two resistor in series it is quite easy to figure out which values give the best match; on the other hand, using a parallel connection it is not so easy (at least for me) to find a good combination. This resistor calculation tool shows which combinations of two resistors (series or parallel) gives a match better than the closest standard value, for the E12 (10%), E24 (5%) and E96 (1%) series.
Two elelemts Telescopic Yagi for 2 Meters
A lightweight PVC hand-held telescopic 2 element 2m (145 MHz) yagi using two pairs of TV rabbit ear antennas as the driven and reflector elements. Approximate directional gain is 5dB.
ARRL Headquarters will be Closed on Monday, February 20, 2023

ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Monday, February 20, 2023, for Presidents’ Day. There will be no W1AW bulletin or code practice transmissions on that day. ARRL HQ will reopen on Tuesday, February 21, at 8 AM EST.

The Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club of Alexandria, Virginia will celebrate the 291st birthday of George Washington at Mount Vernon, the former plantation of George Washington and h...

QRP Dummy Load
Technical Reference/Dummy Loads
This is another variation on the parallel resistor, dummy load. It is perfect for QRP HF operation of 5-watts or less average power, and should be adequate for continuous operation at that level. It's light and compact, about 2-1/2 in length overall.
W4LHS The Coastal Amateur Radio Society

160-80-40 Metre Trapped V-Dipole
A Trapped dipole inverted V antenna for lower HF Bands. Construction details are for temporary installation. Permanent installations will require additional ruggedising and waterproofing however the basic electronics concepts remain the same. This project includes SWR plots for the three bands and pictures details of the homemade traps.
An introduction to YIG Tuned Oscillators
Technical Reference/Test Equipment/Signal Generator
The YIG Tuned Oscillator (YTO) is the only direct signal source to provide multi octave tuning bandwidths in excess of 10 GHz. Common tuning ranges are from 2-10 GHz, 8-18 GHz and 10-20 GHz. YTO is are also known for their superior phase noise and exceptional tuning linearity.
Amateur Radio Events Celebrate the Universe

Two amateur radio events are scheduled in mid-February to celebrate an astronomer who mapped the universe and an astronomer who discovered a planet.

The Northern Arizona DX Association (NADXA) has been conducting a 10-year special event countdown to the 100-year anniversary of Pluto's discovery. The planet was spotted in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. Thi...

CY0S Sable Island DX Pedition
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
CY0S Sable Island DX Pedition March 20-29, 2023
Registration Open for the 2023 QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo

The 2023 QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will be held on March 25 - 26, and registration is now open.

The event is a fully interactive virtual ham radio convention offering new content, networking opportunities, and more than 50 amateur radio presentations on a wide variety of subjects.

There is still time to participate in the event as a presenter. You can submit an application to present a video on ...

70 cm Repeater Project
Technical Reference/Repeater
Multi Mode 70cm DIY Repeater Build Project made with two Tait TM8235 and acting as modem a Repeater Builders MMDVM plus a Raspberry PI
ARRL Audio News February 10, 2023

ARRL Audio News February 10, 2023

Amateur Radio Active in Turkey and Syria Following Earthquakes

In the days following the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and aftershocks that hit Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023, emergency communications have been active with rescue and response efforts.

The emergency communications group Türkiye Radyo Amatörleri Cemiyeti (TRAC) is coordinating primary communications.

The designated primary disaster communication frequency is 28.540 MHz (USB). In addition, 3.7...

Bouvet Island DXpedition is On the Air!

The 3Y0J team has arrived and begun operations on Bouvet Island. The conditions have been difficult and the team is not yet operating at full capacity.

The 3Y0J Media Officer and East Coast Pilot, Steve Hass, N2AJ, wrote on Facebook that, as of Wednesday, February 8, 2023, the team has only enough power to operate two radios simultaneously. A storm is forecasted to bring high winds to the remote...

UK Scanner Frequencies
Radio Scanning/Regional/Europe
UK frequency list provide reference table to lister to Police scanner channels UHF VHF, Amateur Repeaters, Ambulance CB Radio CoastGuard Rescue, marine VHF, Military and more.
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station Contacts two US Schools

Astronauts on board the International Space Station (ISS) were busy the last week of January using amateur radio to make contact with two schools.

The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program arranged contacts with Brentwood Magnet Elementary School in Raleigh, North Carolina, and Norwich Free Academy (NFA) located in Norwich, Connecticut.

On January 26, 2023, nearly 400 s...

Z Match with Toroid
A single coil Z-Match. This QRP version by G3WQW, using a T130-2 toroidal inductor and polyvaricon variable capacitors was published in Sprat 84.
End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna for 20m 40m 80m
Antennas/End-Fed/End Fed Half Wave Antenna
How to Design and Build a Field Expedient End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna for 20m, 40m and 80m. This Shorty 80m EFHW comprises a 49:1 autotransformer (to match the very high impedance at the end of a half-wave wire), a half-wavelength wire for 40m (also a quarter-wavelength for 80m), a loading coil and a short tail wire. The coil and the short tail wire (about 6 feet) make up the other quarter wave on 80m.
Create CLP-5130-2N VHF/UHF Antenna
A one antenna solution for all those who don't have the space or resources for multiple VHF and UHF antennas.
Emergency Communications Due to Earthquake in Turkey

On Monday evening February 6, 2023, there was a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that mainly affected Turkey and Syria but also other neighboring countries with 3,700 people dead and more than 16,000 injured until the last hours, but it is suspected that there are more.


According to information received from the emergency coordinators of the IARU R1 countries and, especially from Greg Mossop, G0DUB, th...

How to find out if your choke works
Antennas/Feed Lines/Choke
How many times have you heard the advice to coil a few turns of coax at the antenna end to form a choke. How to find out if your common mode current choke really works


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