A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





6511- 6545 of 10428 News Items
Radio Amateur Society of Norwich
Ham Radio Club for Norwich, CT. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month at Norwich F D HQ, 10 N. Thames St., Norwich, CT at 7:45pm.
W5NGU Denton County Amateur Radio Association
The Denton County Amateur Radio Association is located in Denton, Texas
Software/Circuit Design
Fritzing is for amateur circuit designers, enthusiasts and hobbyists to build their own design and develop their own projects. Fritzing offers a rich user interface. The source code of Fritzing is available on our Github. Fritzing is available in several languages and runs on windows, mac and linux.
Ham Radio’s SuitSat Returns in Short Horror Film

SuitSat loses its innocence in a new video short sci-fi thriller Decommissioned. “Inspired by true events,” the video short resurrects the 2006 spacesuit/satellite that transmitted messages on 2 meters as it circled Earth. The original SuitSat-1 project, conceived by an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) team, repurposed a decommissioned Russian Orlan spacesuit to function...

W1AEC outheastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association
SEMARA.ORG, the official web site for the Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association.
FBK 2m-70cm dualband coax antenna
Antennas/VHF UHF
A travel, or a fixed vertical coax antenna originally designed by PA0FBK. This antenna is very easy to make from a piece of 50 ohm or 75 ohm coaxial cable, and can be either smooth, roll-up version, or rigid cable
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2103
Setup Raspberry Pi for Ham-Radio, HF Multiband Moxon Antenna, The ZS6BKW Multiband HF Antenna, Guide to 6 Meter DXing, WSPR Maps and Chars VK7JJ, WsprDaemon, K3 Soft Panel
RAQI Radio Amateur du Quebec Inc.

USECA Hamfest Detroit

Volda Communication
Manufacturers/Towers and Accessories
Volda is specialized in telecom tower antenna line accessories such as cable hangers, coaxial jumpers, grounding buss bar kits, pole clamps.
DesignSpark - RS Online
Software/Circuit Design
DesignSpark PCB is a free PCB design tool, by rs online, designed to help the user to convert their design into PCB faster with unique design options. DesignSpark is a powerful software engine that enables you to capture schematics and design PCB boards and layouts.
Peoria Area Amateur Radio Club
RX Loop Antenna for 80 and 160 Meters
Four or Five turn one meter loop antenna for 80 and 160 meter band. This home made receive only antena can be assembled in a small place.
JD1BMH online log
DX Resources/Logs
JD1BMH online log search. Logs of all tour can be searched.
S50CLX Live DX Cluster
DX Resources/Clusters
Get DX spots from S50CLX Live DX Cluster in real time on your device showing all the current and recents Amateur Radio spots on all bands and modes.
Tot Radio
Shopping and Services/CB Radio Stores
Two-way radio communications, amateur radio, CB radio, service repair
ARRL Audio News - January 22, 2021
ARRL Audio News - January 22, 2021
President Biden Taps Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel as Acting FCC Chair

President Joseph Biden this week designated FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel as acting chair of the FCC. She succeeds, at least temporarily, former FCC chair Ajit Pai, who resigned effective on January 20.

I am honored to be designated as the Acting Chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission by President Biden,” Rosenworcel said in a statement. “I thank the President for the oppor...

Sheriff's Tactical Amateur Radio Communications Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office Amateur radio in law enforcement
LogiSim - Logic Circuit Simulator
Software/Circuit Design
Logisim is an educational tool for designing and simulating digital logic circuits. With its simple toolbar interface and simulation of circuits as you build them, it is simple enough to facilitate learning the most basic concepts related to logic circuits.
Orlando HamCation Online Event and QSO Party Set

David A. Duncan, K7DUN, Wins the January 2021 QST Cover Plaque Award

Eastern Iowans Rely On Ham Radio When Severe Weather Strikes

A derecho with winds of 80 to 100 MPH struck eastern Iowa last August, disrupting power and telecommunications for some 400,000 residents. But, as ARRL member and Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) volunteer Scott Haney, N0GUD, recently explained to The Gazette in Cedar Rapids, that’s when amateur radio shines.

Haney, the president of the Cedar Valley Amateur Radio Club (CVARC), was the foc...

Software/Circuit Design
TinyCAD is a an open source program for drawing circuit diagrams which runs under Windows. TinyCAD is a program for drawing electrical circuit diagrams commonly known as schematic drawings. It supports standard and custom symbol libraries. It supports PCB layout programs with several netlist formats and can also produce SPICE simulation netlists.
Contest University to Host Propagation Summit on January 23

Contest University (CTU) is holding a Virtual Propagation Summit on Saturday, January 23. The Zoom-platform event will get under way with introductory remarks from Tim Duffy, K3LR, and Ray Novak, N9JA, at 1600 UTC.

At 1605 UTC, Scott Jones, N3RA, and George Fremin, K5TR, will moderate a session “Update on the Personal Space Weather Station Project & HamSCI activities for 2021” with Nathaniel Fri...

Raytown Amateur Radio Club
Raytown Amateur Radio Club - Kansas City/Rsytown, Missouri
Home Brew paddles
Technical Reference/Morse Keys
A home made morse paddle made with a perf board
Oakville Amateur Radio Club
A local resource offering Club repeaters, weekly meetings, breakfasts and technical assistance.
North Coast Amateur Radio Club
North coast amateur radio club - Cleveland, OH
Software/Circuit Design
An excellent tool to create, design printed circuit boards in a simple and easy to learn way. ZenitPCB is free for personal and amateur use, limited to 1000 pins, that is more than enought for any amateur radio electronic project
The United Kingdom is somewhat unique in the world for requiring those households which view broadcast television to purchase a licence for the privilege
Australian radio hams keep same callsign when upgrading
In July 2020 Australia followed other countries and stopped forcing radio amateurs to change callsign every time they got a new qualification or moved to another part of the country
ARISS contact is scheduled for students at Hisagi Junior High School, Zushi, Japan
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) has received schedule confirmation for an ARISS radio contact with astronauts. ARISS is the group that puts together special amateur radio contacts between students around the globe and crew members with ham radio licenses on the International Space Station (ISS)
Radio Society of Christchurch (New Zealand) Centenary Award
The Christchurch ARC (NZART branch 05) is pleased to announce an informal award to celebrate the club’s centenary
International Emergency Communication Registry of Operators (IECRO) 2021 Annual Membership
Its that time of year again. Every January IECRO runs its membership drive campaign


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