A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





6546- 6580 of 10428 News Items
HamCation QSO Party Set

HamSCI Issues Call for Abstracts for March Virtual Workshop

Elkins Training - FCC Training
Ekins offers an fc preparatory training class for grol and for all commercial licenses, permits and endorsements, including gmdss, stcw and the 70-hour coast-guard approved course.
Software/Circuit Design
A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite that runs on multiple operative systems. It allow to easily create even complex schematics and is suitable for professional use
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2102
Free eBook - Capture the MAGIC of Six Meters, DX Commander Antennas, Homebrew 6 Element Yagi for 70cm, WSPR MAP by WSPRnet, Icom 706MkIIG Frequency Calibration, UA9QCQ Contest Calendar, Programming KG-UV3D and UV-5R
ICQPodcast - Improving your Handy Talkie
In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Chris Howard (M0TCH), Martin Rothwell (M0SGL), Ed Durrant (DD5LP), Frank Howell (K4FMH) and Bill Barnes (WC3B) to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and in this episode’s features How to improve your Handy Talkie
QSO Today with Clint Turner KA7OEI
Clint Turner, KA7OEI, is an experimenter, builder, and operator on all bands and modes
Radio hams comment on the draft BNetzA plans for 2021
Germany's amateur radio round table (RTA) has commented in a letter on the Federal Network Agency BNetzA draft plan for the year 2021
Does price buy performance or satisfaction in an HF transceiver?
Frank Howell K4FMH of ICQ podcast is talking on this subject at the Denby Dale amateur radio club on Weds January 20th at 7.30pm (1930utc)
Germany dealt with over 3,500 radio interference complaints in 2020
Germany's Federal Network Agency BNetzA take radio interference seriously and in 2020 dealt with over 3,500 cases
FCC Issues Enforcement Advisory: Radio Users Reminded Not to Use Radios in Crimes

The FCC has released an Enforcement Advisory for licensees and operators across radio services.

[Complete text of FCC Enforcement Advisory follows.]


DA 21-73

Released:  January 17, 2021


The Enforcement Bureau (Bureau) of the Federal Communic...

ARRL on the Purpose of Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio - State of the Hobby - Survery
Annual poll for radio amateurs - the good, the bad, the ugly! This is an annual survey conducted among the online community, and it represents the status of amateur radio. The authors ask to hams several questions, from the most used operating modes, to the typical ham radio lifestyle habits.
Choking balun for 160-30 meter band
Choking balun for lower HF and MF bands. (1.8MHz - 10MHz). Requiring a choking balun to isolate the potential RF pick up on the coax cable as it runs past equipment such as computer within the radio room at lower HF and MF frequencies a simple method of winding RG58 coax onto a Powdered Iron Toroid Core was constructed.
New digital protocol Q65
SARL News reports WSJT-X version 2.4.0 will introduce a new digital protocol called Q65, which, according to the Quick Start Guide, is designed for "minimal two-way QSOs over especially difficult propagation paths."
ISS contact using 40 year old computer
This lighthearted video (that I helped a little with) shows a project to contact the packet radio digipeater on the International Space Station using a 1980s vintage Commodore 64 home computer. Quite apt for Expedition 64!
GB3LV repeater off the air
GB3LV repeater is off air at the moment and for the foreseeable future
The Langley Amateur Radio Club
The Langley Amateur Radio Club has been in existence since 1988 and received it's charter in 1989. It has a membership of approximately 20 active amateurs.
CDXA Periodic Table of Contests
DX Resources/Contest Calendars
A yearly contest calendar with most interesting amateur radio contests and QSO parties collected by Carolina DX Association
Harmful Coronavirus content on Loveworld breaks broadcasting rules for second time
An Ofcom investigation has found that religious satellite television channel, Loveworld, breached broadcasting rules for the second time in a year is now CLOSED
The email robot at is now CLOSED - this is the LAST message you will receive from it
ARRL Audio News - January 15, 2021
ARRL Audio News - January 15, 2021
Welcome to Amateur Radio for Newcomers
Operating Aids/Beginner's Guides
A complete guide for newcomers edited by the Radio Amateur Society of Australia Inc. This free PDF includes several basic articles for new hams, with particular reference to Australian regulations, but is however a good guide for those who are aproaching the hobby worldwide.
Just one week until the Winter 2021 AM QSO Party!
It is time to get those aerials checked and your vintage sets warmed or your modern transceiver tuned to AM. This can only mean one thing, the Winter AM QSO Party 2021 will soon be with us!
Ham radio centre at Ganga Sagar
By January 14 (Makar Sankranti) around 780,000 pilgrims had arrived at Ganga Sagar and radio amateurs from the West Bengal Radio Club established a QO-100 satellite ground station on the island
FT4 on the amateur radio satellites
The free English language AMSAT-EA January newsletter features an article by Carlos Flores EA3HAH about his experiences in operating WSJT FT4 on the linear (SSB) amateur satellites
Ofcom: Technologies shaping communications for the future
A new Ofcom report shines a light on the innovative, emerging technologies that could shape the communications industry in the future
Tips on operating a Satellite while Roving
In Episode 6 of DX Engineering’s Amateur Radio Satellite series, Sean Kutzko, KX9X, explores the fun of operating your amateur radio gear from a grid square other than the one where you live
CHESS CubeSat Constellation to carry FUNcube transponders
In 2020, a project between AMSAT-UK, AMSAT-NL and Swiss universities started with the aim of equipping two Swiss satellites with a linear transponder for amateur radio
Understanding Antenna Polarization
What is antenna polarization, and why does it matter. Horizontal versus Vertical versus Circular polarization. Undestanding how antennas perform better with different polarizations.
2021 QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo returning
The QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will be returning between March 13-14th, for a full 48 hours
Israel's radio hams lose access to much Microwave spectrum
Radio amateurs in Israel have lost much of their spectrum between 1 and 6 GHz and suffered a draconian power reduction on 10 GHz
Higher ERP permitted for German automatic stations
DARC report the permitted radiated power limit for link sections of automatically operating stations has been increased to 1 kW
Interactive Smith chart
Antennas/Theory/Impedance matching
The interactive Smith chart enables users to navigate their way around a Smith chart, using simple discrete element impedance matching. This page allows users to try using the Smith chart, for education and interest purposes, without installing any software. Try changing the value in the load box to see the location of the impedance on the chart.
Former RAC President John 'Hoppy' Hopwood, VE7RD (SK)
Former Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) President John Farrell 'Hoppy' Hopwood, VE7RD, of North Vancouver, British Columbia, died on December 8. He was 91


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