A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





6581- 6615 of 10428 News Items
ARISS live stream
This concerns today's ARISS contact with Shigagakuen Junior and Senior High School in Higashioumi, Japan scheduled for Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Home Construction talk by G0FUW and N6QW
The RSGB has made available the video of the talk on amateur radio construction given by Steve Hartley G0FUW and Pete Juliano N6QW on January 11
IARU preparing for WRC-23
The ARRL report preparations continue on the part of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) to represent the interests of the amateur and amateur-satellite services at World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23)
Dayton Hamvention 2021 cancelled
The Hamvention organizers have decided to cancel this year's show which had been planned for May 21-23 in Xenia, Ohio
International Amateur Radio Union Preparing for WRC-23

Preparations continue on the part of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) to represent the interests of the amateur and amateur-satellite services at World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23). The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) sponsors WRCs, typically every 4 years, to consider revisions to the international Radio Regulations that define frequency allocations for v...

Treasure Valley Radio Association, K7OJI.ORG
Radio club serving ham operators in Southwestern Idaho and Eastern Oregon.
CTCSS Tone and Encoder
Technical Reference/DTMF
About Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System. In the amateur radio community CTCSS encode is referred to as Tone in radio programming and CTCSS decode is referred to as tone squelch
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2101
How to Listen to Real Spy Broadcasts, How I Installed a Ham Radio Antenna on my Truck, OpenRepeater for Raspberry Pi, Soundcard Interfacing, DigiSkimmer, Isolated PTT and CW Key interface, WiRES-X Bible, Simple Online QSL Generator, Ham radio 40-meter dipole: your first antenna, IC-705 completely cordless digital ham radio,
Interplanetary shock wave sparks auroras
Surprising forecasters, a shock wave buried in the solar wind hit Earth's magnetic field today, sparking rare blue auroras around the Arctic Circle
FM transponder ham radio satellite launches soon
The launch of the UVSQ-SAT satellite carrying an FM transponder is provisionally scheduled for January 21, 2021
North West AllStar Group
Recently, MB7IMB came on air in North Lancashire. MB7IMB is a simplex AllStar gateway on 145.2375 NFM with a CTCSS of 110.9
Radio Caroline North January
Tune in for more nostalgia courtesy of another Radio Caroline North broadcast this weekend 16th-17th January – our first 'North' of 2021!
Seven US Schools Move Forward in ARISS Selection Process

ARRL Life Member Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, is 2021 Carole Perry Educator of the Year

Orlando HamCation® has announced that ARRL Life Member Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, of Bloomington, Indiana, is the 2021 recipient of the Carole Perry Educator of the Year Award. The award recognizes an outstanding individual contribution in educating and advancing youth in amateur radio. It was first awarded in 2018 to its namesake, Carole Perry, WB2MGP, in honor of her work as an educator teaching stud...

Former RAC President John "Hoppy" Hopwood, VE7RD, SK

Former Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) President John Farrell “Hoppy” Hopwood, VE7RD, of North Vancouver, British Columbia, died on December 8. He was 91. Hopwood was instrumental in the founding of RAC and was inducted in 2015 as a member of the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame.

Hopwood spent his career in telecommunications, once working as a telegraph lineman. In 1971, he formed a Systems C...

Dayton Hamvention Cancels 2021 Show

AMSAT/Vanderbilt RadFXSat-2/Fox 1E Set to Launch

New Amateur VLF Transatlantic Record Set

Very low frequency (VLF) enthusiast Joe Craig, VO1NA, reports that Stefan Schaefer, DK7FC, copied his 50-character message transmitted from Newfoundland on 8.271 kHz, with a radiated power of 10 mW.

“This is a new record for amateur transatlantic VLF,” Craig told ARRL. “The mode used was EbNaut by Paul Nicholson. EbNaut is a synchronous coherent BPSK mode for use at VLF and low LF. Craig’s tower...

La Porte County Amateur Radio Club
Home of the W9LY and K9JSI repeaters
Replacing Yaesu FT857 IF filters
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-857
How to replace IF filters on a Yaesu FT 857. This document explains how to desolder old deteriorated filters and replace with brand new ones.
Irish contest news
There was a good turnout of Irish and overseas stations for the New Year's Day IRTS 80 metres Counties Contest
Radio imports
Now that the United Kingdom has left the European Union, we will see major changes in importing radio equipment
TV drama about murder of radio ham G0HFQ
On Monday, January 11, ITV will be broadcasting the first of a three part TV drama about the murder in June 1989 of Oxfordshire radio amateur Peter Dixon G0HFQ and Gwenda Dixon who were on holiday in Pembrokeshire
TF5B achieved more than 30,000 FT8 QSOs in 2020
Iceland's national amateur radio society, IRA, reports Brynjólfur Jónsson TF5B had a total of 30,103 FT8 contacts with 156 DXCC entities during 2020
Brazil: Home constructed ham radio equipment
On December 29, 2020, Brazil's national amateur radio society LABRE participated in a video conference with the communications regulator ANATEL
Hamdata FCC Information Statistics
Statistics based on FCC Database. Data is compared to previous perions.
K7UB Golden Spike Amateur Radio Club
The GSARC is one of the predominant amateur radio clubs in Northern Utah.
K4BRC Bradenton Ham Radio Club
Bradenton Amateur Radio Club in Manatee County, West-Central Florida. The Bradenton ARC is one of only two Special Service Clubs of the ARRL, in Manatee County, dedicated to the advancement of Amateur Radio in the community
HF Arduino VNA
Technical Reference/Arduino
An home made VNA made with Arduino Nano. This project features an LCD display 4x20 works from 1 MHz to 60MHz, can use bluetooth connection with Blue VNA android app.
Ham radio rig used to control MQ-9 Reaper drone
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) used an amateur radio transceiver to demonstrate Beyond Line of Sight
Radio ham raises money for 'NHS Charities Together'
White Horse News reports Roy Bailey G0VFS of the Trowbridge and District Amateur Radio Club raised money for “NHS Charities Together”
ARISS contact with school in Japan
An ARISS educational school contact is planned for Shannon Walker KD5DXB with students at Shigagakuen Junior and Senior High School, Higashioumi, Japan
QSL Cards Art and History for Ham Radio and Beyond
K8QS and WA9TDD show how amateur radio operators as well as SWL and AM broadcast radio DXers have used QSL cards to form personal identities, share memories, earn awards, and create art
Worked All ZS 60 metre Award
The SARL is challenging radio amateurs to use the 60 metre band and work towards the SARL Worked All ZS award
5 MHz band in South Africa
South Africa's SARL has asked the communications regulator ICASA to allow radio amateurs a 100 kHz wide allocation in the 5 MHz (60m) band with 400 watts output


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