Cuban special event
Members of the DX Group of Cuba will celebrating the 15th anniversary of a Mexican homologous organization and the founding of the DXXE Group
Mexican special event
The members of the the DXXE Group, through-out the 2020 year, will celebrate its 15th anniversary with the activation of the special callsign 4A15DXXE, from January 20th, until December 31st, 2020
WICEN radio hams feature on BBC World Service
Gareth Mitchell M7GJM presents the popular BBC World Service show Digital Planet. The Jan 14 edition features an item on the radio amateurs providing emergency communications during Australia's bush fires
Irish Amateur Station Licence Exam
The next Amateur Station Licence Exam will be held on Thursday 7th May 2020 in the ComReg Offices in Dublin and at other centres if warranted by the numbers
Bowater Credit Union donates to ham radio club
The Bowater Credit Union has donated $1,000 to the McMinn County Amateur Radio Club (MCARC)
Contest Results
Results of the IRTS 80 metres New Year's Day counties contest have been published
AmateurLogic 139: Now With 2020 Vision
Just how much faster is the Raspberry Pi 4? Tommy finds out. George has a free remote desktop solution with some unique features. Emile tries Vara Winlink. And Mike ventures into the “Box of Incomplete Dreams” for a QRP Labs WSPR kit
Barry Shelley N1VXY is interim ARRL CEO
ARRL reports at its meeting this weekend, the ARRL Board of Directors did not elect Howard Michel, WB2ITX, as the ARRL Chief Executive Officer
Barry Shelley, N1VXY, to Become ARRL Interim CEO
At its meeting this weekend, the ARRL Board of Directors did not elect Howard Michel, WB2ITX, as the ARRL Chief Executive Officer. Beginning Monday, January 20, Barry Shelley, N1VXY, will become interim CEO. Mr. Shelley was ARRL’s Chief Financial Officer for 28 years and CEO during 2018 before his retirement. The board has created a search committee to select the next CEO. More details on this ...
The Spectrum Monitor
Shortwave Radio/SWL DX Newsletters The Spectrum Monitor, amateur, shortwave AM FM TV Scanning Satellite magazine, is edited and published by Ken Reitz KS4ZR, former managing editor, features editor, columnist and feature writer for Monitoring Times.
Propagation Report from Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP
Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, reports that the solar activity is expected to remain at low levels
American ISPs fined $75,000 for fuzzing airport's weather radar by stealing spectrum
The Register reports: Three ISPs will be fined $25,000 apiece by America's broadband watchdog, the FCC, for interfering with weather signals in Puerto Rico
Satellite Status and Tracking API's added to AMSAT website
Thanks to an initiative by Heimir, W1ANT, AMSAT added Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to the AMSAT web site to make it easy for developers to write apps for mobile devices and the Internet of Things (IoT)
Variation to talkSPORT’s national analogue licence
Ofcom has approved talkSPORT’s request to change its national analogue radio licence, following a consultation
DK3ZL visiting southern Africa from 17 January to 18 March
Dr Charly Eichhorn, DK3ZL is visiting southern Africa from 17 January to 18 March. In Namibia, he will operate as V51QO with activity on the QO-100 satellite and as V5/DK3ZL at other times using SSB and CW
Full-fibre broadband in the UK
The briefing paper Full-fibre broadband in the UK is now available for download from the House of Commons library
QSO Today Amateur Radio Podcast George Byrkit - K9TRV
George Byrkit, K9TRV, was first licensed in 1966, in Madison, Wisconsin. He returned to amateur radio as a licensee many years after letting that Novice license expire
Sweden: New rules for ham radio permit applications
The SSA reports applications for amateur radio permits will now take 2-3 weeks longer due to National Security considerations
BNetzA takes action against non-compliant devices
In 2019, BNetA, the German Federal Network Agency, blocked 4.5 million unsafe products that can cause radio interference or electromagnetic incompatibilities
WA9ORC The Chicago FM Club
WA9ORC - Chicago Illinois
McMinn County Amateur Radio Club
McMinn County Amateur Radio Club, Inc. in Athens, TN.
K7LHC London Bridge Amateur Radio Club
Lake Havasu City Arizona USA
CE5BYU Radio Club Los Angeles
Radio Club Santa Maria de Los Angeles, Chile
VE3SKY Skywide Amateur Radio Club
The Skywide Club, established in 1952, has been serving the amateur community for four decade
Simple Homebrew HAM blog from indonesia
W1NPP Androscoggin Amateur Radio Club
Ham radio club in Maine USA
Wireless Association of South Hills
Serving the South Hills area of Pittsburgh, PA
USA Amateur Radio HF Band Plan
Download the PDF with USA Amateur radio HF band plan and common country prefixes updated in 2008 by Icom
PVRA, Inc Repeater Club
PVRA Repeater Club has repeaters throughout Connecticut.
Raspberry Pi and Automatic NOAA Satellite Reception
Technical Reference/Raspberry Pi How to receive automatically NOAA wather satellite images with a Raspberry Pi and a RTL SDR. This project requires a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B a common NooElec SDR Dongle and a QFH Antenna in the attic. Article explains how to setup and configure software but no instructions on antenna.
6m and 4m Vertical Dipole Antenna
Antennas/4M The two dipoles are parallel with a distance of 12 cm and are also fed in parallel.
The total length of the 4 m dipole is 208 cm and the 6 m dipole is 280 cm.
Propagation de K7RA
Solar Cycle 25 sunspots persisted for the first two days (January 9-10) of this reporting week, January 9-15, with daily sunspot numbers of 14 and 11. That brought the weekly average daily sunspot number from 8.4 last week to 3.6. Average daily solar flux edged up from 71.8 to 72.5
Special certificate to celebrate 30 years of LUSAT
AMSAT-LU will be issuing a special certificate to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the launch of LUSAT (LO-19) during LUSAT week which takes place January 18-26, 2020
RAC President attends ARRL Board Meeting
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) President Glenn MacDonell, VE3XN, attended the annual Board of Directors meeting of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) in Windsor, Connecticut, January 17-18
VK6WIA NewsWest
NewsWest this week is the New Amateurs Edition, where we congratulate and acknowledge those with new or upgraded callsigns or licenses, and where we share information useful for new Hams, including New Hams the series where I take a look at learning opportunities