Ofcom Consultation: Improving spectrum access for Wi-Fi
Ofcom wishes to boost the use of Wi-Fi in Amateur Radio spectrum at 5725-5850 MHz
Ham radio Winter Field Day
Members of the Roanoke Valley Amateur Radio Club will be participating in the National Amateur Radio Winter Field Day Exercise, January 25 and 26, 2020
ARISS educational radio contact with school in Toronto, Canada
An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Canada
Foundations of Amateur Radio
The lessons we teach - When you become a member of the amateur radio community you become part of a small group of humans who know and understand certain aspects of life. That's not to say that others don't share this or that the knowledge is unique or special, but radio amateurs are required to know this before they receive their license
160/80m Coaxial Receiving Loop Antennas
Receiving loop antenna for top band. This antenna allow to reduce noise on both bands. The stand alone 80m loop is approximately four feet in diameter. And made of light weight material. Which makes it ideal for portable use or you can mount it above a pre-existing vhf antenna, and due to it's small size it is quite rotatable.
Vacuum Tube Software
The VTDATA software package is a complete vacuum tube manual on your computer. It has all the information you'd expect in a tube manual. VTDATA's database also includes vacuum tubes of historical interest, such as the early "two digit" types (45, 80, etc.) and hi-fi audio types.
WA7BNM Contest Calendar
Complete listing of upcoming ham radio contests, including rule summaries of this week's contests.
You can also subscribe to his email service.
New ham radio magazine 'On the Air'
The ARRL has launched the bi-monthly amateur radio magazine On the Air and has made the premier issue freely available to read on the internet
ARRL launches 'On the Air' - a new podcast for beginner-to-intermediate amateur radio operators
For those who are just getting started on their journey in amateur radio, ARRL is launching a new podcast aimed at providing support and encouragement to help you get the most out of this hobby
Tony's 10m Band Report
Best days of the week were Saturday and Sunday. Certainly seems that the DARC contest helped. Best DX EW1I (Belarus), ZC4UW (Cyprus), 3D2DJ (Fiji), OY1OF DZ, CT (all Faroe Is) rare birds indeed. Check out OY1OF’s QRZ web page. Incredible
DX News from the ARRL
The American Radio Relay League's round-up of the forthcoming week's DX activity on the amateur radio bands
Magnetic explosions discovered on 'Earth's Doorstep
A type of explosion in space called "magnetic reconnection" can happen much closer to Earth than previously thought
WICEN hits the airwaves on the BBC World Service
Australia's WICEN NSW Forward Commander, Compton Allen, was interviewed on the BBC World Service's Digital Planet programme where he spoke of the role amateur radio operators are playing as part of the emergency response in the Aussie bushfire crisis
Puerto Rico ham radio operators on maximum alert following Puerto Rico's earthquakes 2020
At the end of December 2019 and in early January 2020, the southwestern part of the island of Puerto Rico was struck by a series of strong earthquakes, including six that were of magnitude 5 or greater
USKA preparing response to Article 37a on ham radio antennas
Switzerland's national amateur radio society USKA is preparing its response to OFCOM's consultation regarding the new Article 37a on ham radio antennas in the FMG Telecommunications Act
ARRL Audio News - January 17, 2020
ARRL Audio News - January 17, 2020
Large-Scale DXpedition to Timor-Leste Planned for this Fall
The Lagunaria DX Group is planning a “large-scale DXpedition” to Timor-Leste (4W) in the October/November 2020 timeframe. “We currently have one team member in Timor-Leste negotiating with different ministries, companies, and accommodation facilities,” said team member Chris Janssen, DL1MGB. “Right now, we have positive feedback from all. We even already have a confirmed reservation for two clos...
SAQ Alexanderson Alternator 2019 Christmas Eve Transmission Heard by More than 400 Listeners
The Alexanderson alternator 2019 Christmas Eve transmission on 17.2 kHz from SAQ in Grimeton, Sweden, was heard by more than 400 listeners. SAQ reported conditions were very good, with clear, dry weather, and the vintage transmitter functioned flawlessly. Lars Kålland, SM6NM, was at the key to deliver the Christmas message, his last as he is retiring. SAQ said it was stunned by the number of re...
New Book from ARRL: Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners
Eme meteorscatter Aurora Fai Tropo Tep and more about VHF
ARRL new Hams Page
Welcome to Amateur Radio (HAM RADIO), by ARRL. A good Starting point for novices.
VE3NAR Nortown Amateur Radio Club
Sponsors of WAVE, WACAN awards
Kingston Amateur Radio Club
Kingston, Ontario, Canada A RAC Affiliated Club
W3OC Two Rivers Amateur Radio Club
Two Rivers Amateur Radio Club of McKeesport Pa
Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs
BFRA includes LZ callsign search
Steel City Amateur Radio Club
Steel City Amateur Radio Club Pittsburgh
Amateur Radio Band Plan Layout
Free downloadable band plans layouts ready to print in pdf format by C.Gustave Sandberg W1CGS, band plans are updated to 2007.
Milcom Monitoring Post
Shortwave Radio/SWL Resources A blog dedicated to military communications shortwave intercepts, sponsored by the Teak Publishing
RSGB looking at One-stop training portal
The RSGB Volunteer Leadership Team (VLT) has been looking at a One-stop Training Portal for exam candidates
ARISS contact opportunity
The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Program is seeking formal and informal education institutions and organizations, individually or working together, to host an Amateur Radio contact with a crew member on board the ISS
ITU highlights role of amateur radio in emergency comms
Amateur radio features in the ITU Guidelines for national emergency telecommunication plans, published by the Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D)
AM Rally 2020 Gets Under Way on February 1
Puerto Rico Earthquake Relief Effort Continues, with Help from Ham Radio
YOTA Month Reported a Success in the Americas
Massachusetts Club Offers Support to Arecibo Observatory Following Earthquakes
Although not in the hardest-hit earthquake zone, Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Observatory nonetheless has been affected by the recent spate of earthquakes and aftershocks. The landmark Arecibo radio telescope and ionospheric radar facility was a victim of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria in 2017. Members of the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club (NVARC) have stepped up to assist in support and...